Sunday, October 12, 2008

Charleston, S.C. A Wrinkle in Time...Part 2

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
-- Lao Tzu
And so the journey continued past the first evening of Grand Ole Opre entertainment. We woke up, attended a birthday party and then I headed over to the beach house on Folly. What you are looking at is the walkway from the house to the ocean. It's the most unbelievable house you could imagine. Perfect in every way. I love that place, and I know that all of the Fralix's do's the respite for many. And it comes from the goodness of my Aunt and Uncle because they are very generous in sharing it.

As soon as I got to the beach house I felt that something was missing, I couldn't figure out what it was, but there was a sense that I was missing something...something that should be the name of your favorite actor, I just felt like I had a complete lapse.

I spent a lot of time on the beach the first two days. I am really glad because as the week went on the weather did not cooperate with my desire for a tan.

The next part of the trip, was business. It was the business of resolution and finality. The business was to go with my mom to purchase the headstone (or grave marker) for my brother. I realize it has been years since my brother had died, but one thing has led to another and the final task never got completed. And now it was time.

We got in the car and headed off to the cemetery, and as we did this I realized what I was missing, what I was feeling was that this trip was going to have a greater purpose for me, that I would be spending a lot of time saying goodbye. And as soon as I realized this, it made so much sense to me, that this wasn't going to be a time of complete leisure or fun, or anything of the sort. This was my time to finish what I needed to finish within my own heart.

I rode with my mom and the whole way there I could feel my brother in the back seat. I didn't want to say anything to my mom, because I figured she either felt like he was there too, or I was going to make her cry. I had this huge sense that my brother wanted this to be over for my mom. That he didn't want her to have to "deal with" his death anymore and that she needed to get this over with.

We got there, dropped some roses off on his grave and my aunts and grandfather's grave and proceeded to the office. I took some pictures because it was a beautiful sight.

There was an interesting energy in the air. I hate to sound corny, but there was, there was this slight breeze and a calmness and peace.

We wandered around this bench and sat still for a minute waiting for the woman in the office to finish with her current customers. I looked at this statue and it reminded me of a bank that my grandmother had given me when I was a little girl. I believe it was a Holly Hobby bank. Anyway, if the bank could be turned to stone and take her hat off, this is what she would look like. I appreciated her sympathy.

After we talked to the woman in the office we walked outside to see all of these butterflies everywhere. I don't know why, maybe it's the kind of trees that they have there, I don't know, but they were beautiful.

And they gathered together....

They let me get fairly close without moving. It made sense that they were there, whether it was on purpose or not. The idea that we are all stuck in cocoons until our last day when we finally get to meet who we have been praying to this whole time. Spreading our wings to fly... again it just made sense.

Anyway...we finished...the head stone is ordered and its the last decision; the last thing to do in order to put Teddy to rest.

We rode home, a little curious if the woman would be able to handle the order, but satisfied, and at peace ourselves.

Dad was waiting at home, we were going to go downtown to the market.

Please see Part 3.

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